
A Good Gift For The Elderly Who Is Wearing A Denture

  • 2020-01-20 09:42:01

According to the Fourth Chinese National Oral Health Epidemiological Survey, the detection rate of dentures among elderly people aged 65-74 is 20.4% for active dentures, 26.3% for fixed dentures, and 0.3% for dental implants. In total 47% are wearing a denture. In other countries or areas, the ratio is similar. According to this ratio, almost every family has an elderly adult who is wearing the denture.

Why did so many elders need to wear a denture? Does the aging lead to their tooth loss? No, the major reason of tooth loss is not aging, but periodontal disease, which slowly wears down the supporting tissues in the mouth, usually leading to tooth loss. Even if teeth are lost, periodontal and oral diseases will still become more likely to occur with age. Because even if it is a denture, plaque and tartar may continue to accumulate on it, and it will be more difficult to clean up over time, causing oral disease. Time and age lead to decreased oral health, and elderly people who smoke are more likely to have an oral disease than non-smokers.

Using the mini sonic denture cleaner to clean the denture, false tooth, mouth guard or retainer daily is the significant and good habit; After removing dentures, the tongue, gums, and palate should be gently brushed with a soft toothbrush; Keep these two habits will prevent oral diseases and avoid more tooth loss.

Why said ultrasonic denture cleaner or ultrasonic washing bath is a good gift for the senior adults? The reason is that the product is specially designed for cleaning denture, false teeth, retainer and mouthguard. The product will make the daily cleaning of dentures easier for elderly people. Concerning that it might be hard for elderly people to learn complex operations, the ultrasonic washing bath for dentures is designed with one-button operation and automatic stop function. And the easy-to-clean stainless-steel water tank will not increase the burden on the elderly.

Now, you know what gift is ideal for your older families or friends.

False Teeth Ultrasonic Cleaner

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